Bass Guitar Scale Patterns: Major (Updated)
My previous diagrams were how I learnt neck positions but probably not exactly how I actually use them. Seems the main difference is addition of Position 6 which is like an up-side-down Position 2. Along with the insertion of Position 1 while shifting one down to Position 0.
- Play everything ascending and descending.
- Play up one pattern and down the next.
- Play in diatonic 3rds, 4ths, 5ths, and 6ths.
- Also 7ths and 9ths though this may require combining patterns.
- Play in 3, 4, and 5 note runs.
Position 0
Position 1
Position 2
Position 3
Position 3a (Variation)
Position 4
Position 5
Position 6
Shifting pattern
Sliding pattern (Chuck Sher: Improvisor’s Bass Method )
Remember, slide up with first finger and down with pinkie.